Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Worst Night of My Life

I was just on the porch minding my own business when I asked some negro named Tom Robinson to come up here and bustin’ this chriffarobe . Not only was Tom not grateful enough that I gave him a nickel for his work but he came from up behind me and started taking advantage of me. I started yelling and kicking and screaming and he wouldn’t get off , until my papa came down yonder. Like has this Robinson folk ever heard of the crow laws, like not only are we not equal but he let alone can’t ride on a white folk bus , or attend a white folk school but how in the world did Mr . Robinson think that I was okay to take advantage of me. Finally, my father came into the living room and was yelling at me “ who done this, who done this” and I fainted. I wasn’t  dreaming a fairytale or bout something happy like  y’all  my brothers and sisters playing in the dump but of something dark and scary and when I woke up it was like I was living that terrible nightmare. So ,finally when I woke up I realized that I wasn’t dreamin’ it was real life some man with dark coloured skin named Tom Robinson took advantage of me and you better believe he’s gunna get locked up for this . You can’t take advantage of young women like myself and not get any time in the slammer for it. Not only is that black man , Tom Robinson going to go to prison but he ain’t never bustin’ no chiffarobe of mine again. The five cents I payed him ain’t even worth the scars that he has caused down in my brain and what not, all of us white women need to be less friendly and watch yourself with the colour folk around, because they all the same looking to take advantage of women who can’t defend themselves. If you agree with me post it on my blog if not don’t y’all put nothin’  because I don’t need to be sassed or made fun of by anybody online I’m already made fun of enough! Here is a linkl for all of Robinson's type to get up to snuff with the Jim Crow Laws. 

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